Fredericton Legal Advice Clinic: Release and Disclaimer of Liability

Before our volunteer lawyer supervisor is able to provide you with legal advice over the phone or in person it is important that you sign the waiver below. Please read carefully before typing your initials and typing your name to make sure you understand it.

  1. Ensure you use the same email used for the appointment.
  2. By initialing below, you acknowledge that FLAC disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss or damages suffered or for any loss of or damage to property, whether such loss or damage results from any acts or omissions on the part of FLAC or any person or persons involved in the program. *
  3. By initialing below, you acknowledge that the law student volunteers, in this context, are not holding themselves to be professionals or experts in any area and can provide you only with information, not advice. *
  4. By initialing below, you acknowledge that all advice or information, given to you by FLAC or any person or persons involved in the program, is given free of charge. *
  5. By initialing below, you acknowledge that neither a solicitor-client nor a consultant-client relationship is being formed through your participation with FLAC. *
  6. Finally, by initialing below, you acknowledge that you voluntarily and expressly waive the right to take any actions of any kind against FLAC, the law student volunteers, the lawyer supervisors, or any other representatives of FLAC. *
  7. The name provided herein is being provided as my electronic signature pursuant to the provisions of the electronic transactions act, RSNB 2011, c. 145. *
    Please type your FULL name.
  8. Please only type the city and province. Eg: Fredericton, NB.